Category: Project Reports

Inter-Faith Dialogue on Climate Change Report

Communications 4 March 2025 0

The Interfaith Dialogue on Climate Change project was initiated by Connected Development [CODE] to foster collaboration among diverse faith communities in Nigeria towards addressing the increased issues around climate change. The project was necessitated due to the increasing need to improve local-led strategies for practical climate challenges and science and action communication among Nigeria’s teeming population. The project also aimed to leverage the influence of faith-based institutions/ leadership to promote environmental stewardship for sustainable practices while galvanizing mass climate action using the influence of people’s commitment to faith…Read full report below 👇

Localization At Scale: CODE Nigeria’s Follow The Money Movement

Communications 3 March 2025 0

One of the most daunting challenges in neglected communities around the world is the accountable delivery of public goods and services. This situation is even more dire in rural areas because communities that are more visible and networked often receive goods and services that less accessible communities don’t. However, the funds earmarked for these communities still need to go somewhere. Instead of reaching their intended recipients, funds allocated to rural communities are routed elsewhere, often toward the personal interests of government officials or other non-essential expenditures that do not respond to the primary needs of communities.

Download full report here: B. [CODE] Global Case Study

Download full report here: B1. [CODE] ABRIDGED Global Case Study

FTM in Kaduna State: A Case Study of Accountability in Neglected Communities

Communications 3 March 2025 0

A Nigerian youth-led organization called Connected Development (CODE) is catalyzing one of the largest social movements in Africa, “Follow The Money” (FTM), which transforms corruption into opportunities for neglected communities by empowering them to demand accountability in the delivery of government goods and services earmarked for their communities. This case study illustrates how the MacArthur Foundation’s investment of USD 350,000 has contributed to FTM’s investigative monitoring and, ultimately, the delivery of USD 1.5 million (570 million Naira) in education infrastructure across Kaduna State alone. Download the full report below.

Download A. [CODE] FTM Kaduna Case Study Here

Download A1. [CODE] FTM Kaduna ABRIDGED Case Study Here

The State of Climate Finance in Nigeria

Communications 20 January 2025 0

This report is conducted by Connected Development (CODE) in partnership with INKA Consult from Denmark. It provides an overview of international climate finance for Nigeria from 2015 to 2021. The study also looks at the climate finance management system and evaluates the participation of citizens and civil society in climate finance planning and monitoring in Nigeria… Click the links below to download full reports

The State of Climate Finance in Nigeria

Executive Summary State of Climate Finance in Nigeria

Fact Sheet State of Climate Finance in Nigeria

Government Spending VS Service Delivery

Communications 16 May 2024 0

Nigeria’s education, healthcare, and WASH sectors are deficient, creating inequalities at all levels. In 2018, UNICEF reported one in five out-of-school children in Nigeria. The challenges facing education have created a poor and unconducive learning and teaching environment, affecting enrollment, retention, and completion rates, especially for girls. Primary healthcare is almost co- matose, putting pressure on secondary and tertiary facilities that are also understaffed. UNICEF reports that only 26.5 percent of Nigerians use improved drinking water and sanitation facilities. SEE THE FULL REPORT HERE

State of Basic Education in North-East Nigeria

Communications 14 January 2024 0

Nigeria currently has 18.5 million out-of-school children, the highest in the world. Most of these children between the ages of 5-14 are found in the northern region, especially the northeastern states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa where insurgency and counter-insurgency operations have exacerbated other pre-existing economic and socio-cultural factors that hinder children’s education. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic when schools were completely shut down (as part of the government’s preventive measures), only 61% of 6–11 year-olds regularly attend primary school. During the six-month COVID19 lockdown, 4.2 million most vulnerable students in these states were further negatively impacted by the suspension of learning activities. READ FULL REPORT

Outcome Assessment and Impact Report Analysis

Communications 10 November 2023 0

The challenges associated with infrastructure deficits in oil-producing communities can be linked to a general problem of communities in Nigeria holding leaders accountable and demanding transparency from the implementing agencies of education, health, and WASH in already budgeted social infrastructure projects. It is therefore ironic that these communities, which contribute significantly to Nigeria’s revenue, still lack basic infrastructure while existing ones deteriorate further.


Nigeria Decides: 2023 Citizen-Led Election Report

Communications 17 August 2023 0

The deployment of UZABE in this election cycle aligns with CODE’s objective to increase and share innovative approaches to information exchange through experimentation, research, and technology. Also, as an accredited INEC elections observer, CODE collaborated with other CSOs to actively participate in the 2023 election observation process, while training and deploying over 20,000 volunteer polling station observers. CODE’s Situation Room received and subjected incident reports to a multi-level verification system to provide 12,889 authenticated and verified reports across the 2023 election cycle, which provided a picture of Nigeria’s 2023 electoral process READ MORE


Communications 8 March 2023 0

To address SGBV in Kano state, Connected Development (CODE) through funding from the Canadian High Commission in Nigeria launched the project, Galvanizing Mass Action Against Gender‑Based Violence in Kano State (GMAA‑K). The GMAA‑K project is aimed at galvanizing the mass public and empowering women to mount advocacies against sexual and gender‑based violence (SGBV) and domestic abuse, as well as engage the government for the enactment of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) law. The phase I of the project lasted for 3 months ‑ January to March 2021, while the second phase which started in November 2021 ends by March 2023. In the phases I and II of the project, CODE empowered gender advocates who work in communities to rollback GBV, leveraged new and traditional media for systematic sensitisation of the mass public on GBV, while engaging governmental actors on the passage of a VAPP bill and Child Protection Law (CPL), as well as the expansion of the Sexual Assault Referral Centres in Kano State READ FULL REPORT